Investor Eligibility Criteria

Prior to the introduction of any product of service offered by Eighty Eight Estates all prospective investors are required to register their information and meet minimum eligibility criteria.

In line with the Financial Services & Markets Act 2000 Financial Promotions order, any prospective investor MUST agree that they meet the criteria of an eligible party by agreeing to one of the following investor categories:

*Post 31st January 2024



Qualification of these criteria is mandatory and required in order to comply with UK law and regulation enforced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in accordance with the Conduct of Business Sourcebook (COBS).

In accordance with the updated Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2023

Reference Link:

*Pre- 31st January 2024 Statements

HIGH NET WORTH INDIVIDUAL in accordance with COBS 4.12.6 R

SOPHISTICATED INVESTOR in accordance with COBS 4.12.8 R

RESTRICTED INVESTOR* in accordance with COBS 4.7.10 R

PROFESSIONAL INVESTOR in accordance with COBS 3.5

*Any certification as restricted investor will be deemed as retail by the company and as such may restrict the options available to you. In this event you would need to agree to referral to an FCA authorised firm for a full KYC and appropriateness evaluation.